Welcome to our new chat program.

IRC is a chat environement, and every sort of computer / operating system can connect to it. I have concentrated on PC/Windows systems and mIRC, since that is what I use.

Macintosh users can use IRCLE, whose website is

I doubt that Linux users need any help, and I'm in no position to give it anyway, but I was able to find this website


This a bit different than a web based chat, so we thought you might need some help in installing and first time use of mIRC.

Here are some instructions for the first time user:

First you have to download mIRC. The website for download is
I am assuming that you have Windows 95 or better, so you should download the 32 bit version. If you have Windows 3.1 (does anybody still have that?) download the 16 bit version.
Once you download, double click on the mirc581t.exe file. This is a self extracting setup file.
If you are at ease with installing the program, skip the following section and go to first time use

This is the first screen you will see:

Naturally, click on the NEXT button to move to the next screen.

Here, you set options, most of which are not for the first time user. By default, it will install in C:\mirc. Change it here, if you wish.

Next screen is the install progress window. Just wait till it's over.

Congrats, it's over!!!

now, you have the choice to tick the Read mIRC help file box, or the launch mirc box to jump directly into the chat

First Time Use